Hypnotherapy/NLP Coaching Sessions
Have you ever asked yourself, “How can I be so successful in some areas of my life, and struggle so much in others? Why can’t I get it together when it comes to my __________ (weight/confidence/anxiety/emotions/relationships/past hurts)?” The answers are stored in your subconscious mind. I can help!
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“Flip the Switch” Weight Loss Program
Get the support you need to make the changes you'll love. Why struggle against yourself? Learn what's driving you to eat, zapping your exercise motivation and keeping you stuck with your weight. Being a healthy weight should be natural, find out how you can align with your healthiest self today.
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Fitness in Body and Mind
Whether you are feeling depressed and anxious or confident and energized, your mental and emotional well-being are directly related to your level of physical activity and health. You CAN take good care of yourself and manage your mind, body and emotions no matter what your time constraints, weight, fears or physical limitations might be. Let's work together to uncover what's blocking you from feeling your best.
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SF Giants Manager Bochy Uses Hypnosis Successfully
Last week the San Francisco Chronicle published an article about the manager of the San Francisco Giants using hypnotherapy to easily leave behind a 36-year addiction to chewing tobacco.
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Wealthy Mind Training
You can naturally move through life in harmony with success and abundance. Learn the principles of this 13.8 billion year old system and the skills to get unstuck and open your mind to receive. Sign up today!
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Meditation Class for Relaxation & Insight
Have you tried meditation before, but had trouble getting your mind to be quiet? When your energy is flowing, meditation and being connected is your natural state. Join us in Oakland to learn how - it's easy and fun!
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